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Bach Flower Remedy Treats

Customised Bach Flower Remedies

Bach Flower Remedies have been used for centuries to help humans and now our pets to feel better emotionally, mentally and physically. They are 100% natural, non-toxic and have no side effects. When prescribed by a qualified therapist Bach Flower Remedies can also be beneficial in supporting the healing of your pet too.

Edward Bach, a human doctor, was the founder of the modern flower essence therapy in 1936. Creating individual natural remedies Bach Flower remedies complement both conventional and alternative medicine.  Up to seven remedies can be combined in one bottle creating an ideal treatment customised to your pets needs. (A special blend can also be created for owners too). 

How can Bach Flower remedies treat my dog

Using the ancient teachings of Edward Bach combined with more modern findings, and many years of personal experience I am able to create customised Bach Flower Remedies for your dog. 

Some of the common canine issues that Bach Flower Remedies can help with are: 

  • Anxiety due to separation or trauma
  • Aggressive or reactive behaviours
  • Excessive barking or self grooming
  • Inappropriate urination and spraying
  • Possessiveness and guarding

How do you know what my dog needs

Because dogs can't tell us what they are feeling it's up to us as their carers and professional therapists to look for signals and analyse their behaviour looking for tell tale signs. 

Plus, through discussions with you during our initial consultation about your pets environment, habits, nutrition and health history.

And reviewing any history and information provided by your veterinarian or surgeon.

This, combined with many years of experience and study for my qualifications I am able to determine the best type of treatment for your dogs individual needs. 

I also from time to time may also use a pendulum to confirm the Bach Flower remedy is the right one for your dog. 

Are Bach Flowers safe for my dog

Bach Flower Remedies have been used for centuries by adults, children and for animals. They are completely natural and are completely safe to use with your pet when prescribed by a qualified canine therapist. 

Being made of the best quality flowers directly from the Bach Centre in England they are non-toxic, non addictive in any way, and have no side effects. 

Also, for my animal blends of Bach Flowers I use a Glycerin base instead of alcohol as a base which makes them totally pet friendly. I will advise on the appropriate dosage for your beloved pet so they can receive the benefits immediately. 


Sara-Jane Andrews is North Shores leading Canine Remedial Massage Therapist specialising in treating old dogs, post-surgery dogs, injured dogs and providing alternative and preventative treatments. She also treats felines. Sara-Jane is Qualified and Fully Insured.

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A special thank you to yellow lab photography for the images


MON: 11am -6pm

TUE: 11am - 6pm

  WED: 11am - 6pm

THU: 11am - 6pm

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SAT: 11am - 3pm

Phone: 021 968 426

© 2023 Treats Canine Massage & Remedial Therapy

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