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Vet Referral Form

Vets Details

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Vets Phone Number Required field!
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Patients Details Required field!
Patients Name* Required field!
Breed* Required field!
Age* Required field!
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Desexed* Required field!
Owners Name Required field!
Phone* Required field!
Email* Required field!
Diagnosis / Treatment / Surgery Required field!
Has select if the above named pet has been diagnosed / treated or had surgery for any of the following listed conditions Required field!
Please upload any x-rays or scans if you applicable Required field!
Other Conditions if applicable

Please provide details

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Date of Surgery Required field!
Current Medications (please provide details) Required field!
In your opinion, is the dog named above in a suitable state of health to undergo remedial massage and or laser therapy treatment? Required field!
Is there anything further you would like me to be aware of in regards to the animals health? Required field!


Sara-Jane Andrews is North Shores leading Canine Remedial Massage Therapist specialising in treating old dogs, post-surgery dogs, injured dogs and providing alternative and preventative treatments. She also treats felines. Sara-Jane is Qualified and Fully Insured.

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Email* Required field!

A special thank you to yellow lab photography for the images


MON: 11am -6pm

TUE: 11am - 6pm

  WED: 11am - 6pm

THU: 11am - 6pm

FRI: 11am - 6pm

SAT: 11am - 3pm

Phone: 021 968 426

© 2023 Treats Canine Massage & Remedial Therapy

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