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New Patient Form

Please complete this form to save time at your initial appointment, complete as much as you can,

Patient Name* Required field!
Dog or Cat* Required field!
Owners Details Required field!
Owners First Name* Required field!
Owners Last Name* Required field!
Phone* Required field!
Email* Required field!
Vets Details

By completing this section you are giving Treats K9 permission to contact your vet

Required field!
Vets Name Required field!
Vets Practice Name Required field!
Vets Phone Number Required field!
Vets Email Address Required field!
Pets Details Required field!
Breed* Required field!
Age* Required field!
Gender* Required field!
Desexed* Required field!
Disabled or Unable to walk* Required field!
Can walk independantly* Required field!
Mobility Details

Are they mobility aided with harness wheelchair or brace

Required field!
Other Details

Any other issues that could be important in treatment or handling eg: blind, deaf, amputee, aggressive, fearful

Required field!
Main Problem/Reason for Visit: Required field!
History leading up to this condition

How did the condition start and how long it has been going on for

Required field!
Progress of condition since problem started Required field!
What relieves the condition? Required field!
What aggravates the condition? Required field!
Current Function Required field!
Exercise / Activity / Walking

In the last week, on average, how long has your dog exercised each day?

Required field!

In the last week, on average, how many walks has your dog had each day?

Required field!
What type of exercise is this? Required field!
Are there any particular days of the week upon which your dog has significantly more exercise?

Check more than one box if necessary

Required field!
On what sort of terrain does your dog most often exercise? Required field!
At exercise, how is your dog handled? Required field!
Who limites the extent to which your dog exercises? Required field!
How often does your dog rest (stop/sit down) during exercise? Required field!
How disabled is your dog by his/her lameness?

1 being not disabled, 5 being being very disabled

Required field!
What overall effect does exercise have on your dog’s lameness? Required field!
What is the effect of cold, damp weather on your dog’s lameness? Required field!
To what degree does your dog show stiffness in the affected leg after a ‘lie down’? Required field!
How interested is your dog in exercising? Required field!
Do they have any other pets at home they play or interact with? Required field!
Are they being confined for this condition? If so, for what periods of the day? Where are they kept in the day? Required field!
Do they have access to outside / dog door? Required field!
Floor Surface

What is the floor surface in the house where the dog is kept? Do they have to cross slippery surfaces? If so, are they steady on their feet?

Required field!
Jumping Up

Are allowed to get on the furniture, or if they can or can't, eg may be allowed, but cant get up, or isn’t allowed but does jump up, or can no longer get on the bed but can get on the couch, or can get on the bed but takes a few goes, or uses a ramp to get on the couch.

Required field!

Are there any steps or stairs at home? How does the dog manage these? What surface are they? Are they blocked off? Make sure you indicate steps inside and outside, does the dog have to do steps to get to the toilet.

Required field!

Are they lifted in and out or do they jump in?

Required field!
Ease of Toileting

Is the dog continent?

Any accidents with bladder or bowel?

Does he lift a rear limb to pee? Can he do it on either hind limb? 

Can they hold the squat position to poop? 

Do they walk along when pooping, is this new or has the dog always done this?

Required field!
Previous Function Required field!
How did the dog previously function day to day and what were their activity levels and capabilities? Are there any changes and patterns? Required field!
Veterinary Investigation and / or Treatment Required field!
Has your pet been diagnosed with or recovering from treatment of any of the following conditions by your vet? Required field!
Please upload any x-rays or scans if you have them Required field!
What procedures or surgeries have been performed by your vet for this condition? Required field!
Current Mediciation

Please provide details

Required field!
Current Supplements

Please provide details

Required field!
Current Diet

Please provide details

Required field!
Current Rehabilitation

Are they having any other therapies or do they have a current rehab program they are following?

Required field!


Sara-Jane Andrews is North Shores leading Canine Remedial Massage Therapist specialising in treating old dogs, post-surgery dogs, injured dogs and providing alternative and preventative treatments. She also treats felines. Sara-Jane is Qualified and Fully Insured.

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Name Required field!
Email* Required field!

A special thank you to yellow lab photography for the images


MON: 11am -6pm

TUE: 11am - 6pm

  WED: 11am - 6pm

THU: 11am - 6pm

FRI: 11am - 6pm

SAT: 11am - 3pm

Phone: 021 968 426

© 2023 Treats Canine Massage & Remedial Therapy

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